Unleash the Gillionaire in You: Comprehensive Guide of Important Resources

 Greetings, and Happy Starlight Celebrations Adventurers o/

Embarking on the grand quest of amassing gil requires a strategic approach, armed with the right resources. This week, I unveil the treasure trove of resources I employ to navigate the bustling economy of Eorzea, helping me discern the most lucrative paths and ensuring my coffers overflow.

Tracking Materials and Craft Requirements: A Gathering Odyssey

When it comes to crafting ventures, being in the know about materials and their gathering requirements can be the key to success. Here are some invaluable resources:

FFXIV Gathering: A simple yet powerful tracker for botany and mining timed nodes. From collectable materials for scrips to rare timed materials, this website covers it all, ensuring you gather with precision.

Garland Tools: A colossal database for all things Final Fantasy XIV. From vendor locations to detailed crafting breakdowns, this tool is a crafting aficionado's dream. Create lists, track items, and plan your crafting journey with finesse.

Creating Your Own Crafting Macros: Crafting Mastery Unleashed

For those aspiring to craft with efficiency, Craftingway is a hidden gem. No longer bound by pre-made macros, this website allows you to customise crafting macros based on  personal stats. Craft with your gear set, your way, and optimize outcomes for maximum efficiency. 

How Do You Know What to Sell: The Art of Market Mastery

Navigating the marketplace requires insights into item values, sale rates, and return on investment. Arm yourself with these tools:

Saddlebag Exchange: Tailored for your server/data center, this resource provides a plethora of information on item values, sales across servers, and more. Navigate the intricacies of this powerful tool, focusing on rates and return on investment. Don't fear using the default search options, these are quite powerful already.

Warning: Exercise caution when faced with items not sold on your server or that have a significantly inflated price. Cross-check with other servers to avoid falling victim to deceptive pricing.

Universalis: The ultimate cross-server price-checker, Universalis is a beacon of simplicity. Offering current prices across the region, recent sales history, and sale rates, its a go-to for understanding market trends. Data-drive by players through in-game plugins, it keeps you informed without overwhelming you.

Embark on your journey to gillionaire status armed with these resources. May your coffers swell and adventures in the world of commerce be as thrilling as any battle. Until next time, happy crafting and may the gil flow in abundance!

Bradelz X'o


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