How to Make Gil: More Lucrative Housing Items – Part 2


Greetings, Eorzeans!


Welcome back to another part in this series of making gil by crafting popular housing items. This time we will be showcasing a couple more items that I have tested to insure they are consistent money makers across multiple servers. For this part we will be going over some relatively newer housing items in the Back Bar and the Waterfall Partition.


Housing Item #1: Back Bar

The first spotlight shines on the “Back Bar”, a crafting recipe available to anyone who has achieved level 80 in Carpentry. This item is used to help home designers create a bar aesthetic, which is used a lot in the nightclubs you can see advertised in game making it sell consistently.


The Back Bar is easy to craft as it uses quite a few vendor materials which reduces grinding.  You just need to gather the logs and craft 10 Lignum Vitae Lumber as well as buy 6 sets of liquor bottles. These liquor bottles are bought from Housing Merchants in any housing district or an Apartment Merchant in any apartment lobby.



Housing Item #2: Waterfall Partition

Next housing item with its chance in the spotlight is the “Waterfall Partition”. This housing item was highly sought after when it was released due to its design and is still consistently sold on most servers. It creates a beautifully lit up water backdrop to any scene and is used for many design choices. In order to craft this you must have reached level 90 in armorsmithing.

In comparison to the previous item the Waterfall Partition is a bit more annoying to craft. The worst item to collect is the Prismstone as it is hidden inside a node that only spawns for short periods of the day. The other items, Chondrite Ingot, Integral Lumber and Ambrosial Water are all relatively easy to get for someone with a max level gatherer. I suggest, if you have a retainer that specializes in Mining, send them on ventures to retrieve the Prismstones for you so that you do not need to worry about the timed node.


Crafting for Gil: Tips and Strategies

Pay attention to what the average cost is for an item on your server and at what point the item will sell quickly. This can be useful if someone buys out all of those items to inflate the price, as you may notice people will stop buying them. Use your knowledge to price accordingly to insure quick sales. DO NOT undercut unnecessarily. As long as the item is reasonably priced never undercut by more than 1 gil. Every gil extra you undercut by is just gil lost by you for no reason. As long as you are the cheapest you will be the first to sell, whether you are cheaper by 1 gil or 1000 gil.


Until next time,

Bradelz X’o


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