How to Make Gil: Unveiling Lucrative Housing Items - Part 1

 Greetings, Eorzeans!

Embarking on the journey to amass gil through crafting can be daunting, especially if you're unsure about which items yield the best returns. Fear not! In this series of posts, I'll be shedding light on various housing items that I've personally tested and found to be consistent money makers across most servers.

Housing Item #1: Leather Sofa

Our first spotlight shines on the "Leather Sofa", a crafting recipe accessible once you've leveled your leatherworker to 78. This simple yet stylish couch is a staple in many housing designs, making it an in-demand item that consistently sells.

To craft the Leather Sofa, gather Sea Swallow Leather, Sandteak Lumber, and Lorikeet Down. For those averse to gathering, consider deploying retainers to slowly collect these materials over time. Investing in a combat retainer proves beneficial not only for this item but for various other material collections they have available.

Housing Item #2: Imitation Moonlit Window

Next up in our housing spotlight is the "Imitation Moonlit Window". Crafting this elegant window requires a skilled goldsmith at level 90. Ideal for club scenes or darker housing themes, this item boasts consistent sales, averaging 5-10 units per day on most servers in my testing.

To craft this window, gather Bismuth Ingots, Crystal Glass, and Bluespirit Tiles. Amass these materials through personal gathering or enlist the help of mining retainers. Keep in mind, one of the items required to craft Crystal Glass is bought with Grand Company Seals.

Crafting for Gil: Tips and Strategies

If you're aiming for steady gil, consider dedicating some time to gather materials for crafting 30 or more of these items. When listing on the market board, opt for a strategic approach of putting up sets of 3 at a time. This helps prevent flooding the market devaluing the item. You must resist the urge to undercut by more than 1 gil, as this practice will inadvertently cost you potential earnings. Keep in mind that server dynamics vary, so pay attention to market trends and adjust your crafting strategy based on demand.

Embark on your crafting Journey with confidence, armed with the knowledge of these lucrative housing items. Stay tuned for future spotlights that unveil more opportunities to fill your coffers in the world of Eorzea.

Warm Regards,

Bradelz X'o


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